Ways To Make Your Website ADA Compliant

The ADA, or The Americans with Disabilities Act, requires businesses to make accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, the web content must be accessible to deaf users, blind users, and those who need to navigate by screen readers, voice, and other required technologies, offering ADA compliance for websites.

Improving the accessibility of the website for individuals who need aid hearing and visualizing must be incorporate for effective communication. Here are some common ways businesses can prepare an ADA-compliant website to clear the air. Here is how:

Enable keyboard navigation:

Most internet users experiencing disabilities find it challenging to use a mouse for navigation. Instead, they need to rely on keyboards and other input devices. Common tools include using the key 'Enter' to open the dropdown menus along with 'Esc' key to close the menus. Along with this, the 'Tab' key allows them to navigate between the elements of the page.

Include image descriptions:

Images on a particular website essentially play a quintessential role in conveying the information. The best solution is to implement ADA compliance for websites by adding 'alt text.’ This provides a complete description of the image, and helps someone using a screen reader to understand what the image is about. The keyword-rich alt text is also deemed to be a crucial element of on-page SEO.

Create alt tags for videos, images, and audio files:

Alt tags help individuals with reading and hearing disabilities to hear the alternative descriptions of content that might be difficult to view. The alt tags essentially describe the object, along with the purpose it serves.

Make text transcripts for audio and video content:

The text transcripts assist the hearing-impaired users in analyzing and gauging the content which might otherwise be inaccessible.

Scrutinize the language in the header code:

When you offer clarity in the language that the site should be read in, it assists users in utilizing the text readers. These readers can help them identify the codes and function accordingly.

Offer suggestions and alternatives:

When a user encounters input errors because of their ability to navigate the website properly, the site must automatically offer recommendations helping how visitors can navigate to reach the content required.

Create an organized layout:

The links, buttons, and menus need to be organized so that they are clearly distinguished from one another while being able to be navigated in the website well.

There are some other ways in which businesses can create an ADA-compliant website for users with disabilities. This is why consulting an attorney specializing in disability law is ideal for businesses typically concerned about ADA compliance.

Which businesses must comply with ADA?

The very first thing to understand and analyze is the businesses that are required to comply with ADA. This applies to any business with at least 15 full-time employees operating for 20 or more weeks each year, as per Title I of ADA.

Under Title III, the businesses falling into ‘public accommodation such as public transportation, banks, and hotels also need to comply with the rule. This typically applies to the entirety of the law, right from physical considerations to digital accommodations.


It is important to note that if your business falls under Title I or Title III of ADA, you must consult with the disability lawyer and explore more options to make the platform ADA compliant. Get in touch with ADS Access Design Studio to make your website accessible for all.


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